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    Dumbarton Festival 2020


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       Click on the image of Dumbarton Castle above to visit the International Dumbarton Festival 2020 web page.


Dumbarton Castle Society, working with West Dumbartonshire Council and many other interest groups, announced the first ever International Dumbarton Festival, originally planned for June 2020.


Click on the image of Dumbarton Castle above to visit the International Dumbarton Festival 2020 web page.


We hope to attract visitors from around the world, and the the United Kingdom , as well as our local citizens. Internationally, we are keen to welcome visitors from the many towns around the world also named Dumbarton, and from people who left Dumbarton years ago, or had relatives who did. There are several Dumbarton’s in the USA, Canada, Australia and in many other countries.

A full programme of concerts, parades, sporting and cultural events will be announced. Check our website for details.

Dumbarton is a very welcoming town with a rich history.

We look forward to welcoming all of you.


Paul Neeson


Chair of the Dumbarton Castle Society


       Click on the image of Dumbarton Castle above to visit the International Dumbarton Festival 2020 web page.

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