The Dumbarton Castle Society

Dumbarton Castle Society
Application for Membership
Applications will be acknowledged and confirmed upon payment of fees
Please supply: full name, address, e- mail address, telephone number, and mobile number ,along with a signed cheque for £20.00 made payable to Dumbarton Castle Society and send to:
The Secretary,
The Dumbarton Castle Society,
Mrs Margaret Rankin,
9 Dumbuck Crescent,
G82 1EJ
Subscriptions are due on 1 June of each year.
Conditions of Membership
By subscribing to membership of the Dumbarton Castle Society, you are confirming that you are consenting to the Society holding and processing your personal data, in accordance with their privacy policy, for the purpose of notifying you about membership and events of the Society.
Membership Card and its Benefits
Applicants granted membership of Dumbarton Castle Society will be issued with a unique membership card which entitles the card holder to free access to the Rock of Ages weekend two-day event (entrance fee £10 per day). The card also entitles the holder to free visits to the Castle for one year (four free visits would cover the cost of DCS Membership).